Company information


A unique machine tool trading company with grinding tool and cutting divisions.

Our Company was founded in 1966 (Showa 41) in Tsujimachi, Nagasaki city and moved to its current headquarters in Ogimachi in 1989 (Heisei 1). And thanks to our customers we celebrated the 50th anniversary of our founding in March, 2016 (Heisei 28). From the beginning with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd Nagasaki Shipyards as a main customer, we steadily developed as a General trading company for machine tool logistics management. From 1969 (Showa 44) we not only traded in machine tools, but as part of our customer service started in the business of repairing and maintaining cutting tools. Today we employ 10 cutting tool grinding technicians. In 2011 (Heisei 23) at the request of our customers, we obtained certification in the quality management system ISO9001 and formed a plan for a new management philosophy, company vision and management policies. We feel a responsibility to (become an indispensable company), to respond to changes in the environment, to continue to make progress in streamlining management and to have the will to be on the cutting edge. We’d like to thank our customers for the past 50 plus years of business and will redouble our efforts going forward to show our appreciation.
President and chief executive officer

Company overview

company name Kowa Corporation
location 【head office / factory】 Tel:+81-95-844-6108 Fax:+81-95-849-1632 【distribution center】
founded March 1966
business description General trading company for machine tool logistics management
capital stock 24,000,000 yen
sales 135,230,000 yen (April 2019)
officer President and chief executive officer: Chikara Nagano
Chairman of the board of directors: Michihiko Nagano
managing director: Kanji Nagano
inspector: Yoshinori Uchida
number of employees office workers: 19 technicians: 10 total: 29 (22 men 7 women)
bank Jyuhachishinwa Bank Motohara branch Nagasaki Mitsubishi Credit Association Sumiyoshi branch
business hours 8:30 am to 5:30 pm
Business holiday Please refer to the company calendar. →【Company Calendar

Company history

In 1966 (Showa 41) Nagano Hiroshi, currently a consultant, with his younger brother, Nagano Shigeru, established the headquarters in Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo and set up the Nagasaki branch office in Tsujimachi, Nagasaki city. After that both the headquarters and the branch office continued to develop reliable business, but because of variations in management and available services in 1968 (Showa 43) they split off the Nagasaki branch office as a separate independent company and transferred control as an opportunity to streamline management and expand business. Since then starting with Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Nagasaki Shipyards as well as other local major factories and suppliers we have continued to build up relationships of mutual trust which has led us to make steady progress to the current day. Also during this time a specialty factory for repairing and maintaining cutting tools was established as a service department. While keeping in mind to continuously improve the facilities and training of our high-skilled engineers, we received the high rating of (reliable Kowa) as a unique general trading company for our trading and both technical divisions.

■ 1966 The Nagano brothers Hiroshi and Shigeru established Kowa Corporation’s headquarters in Misakicho, Kanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo and established the Nagasaki branch office in Tsujimachi, Nagasaki city.
■ 1967 Moved the Nagasaki branch office parking to it’s current location. (Motohara machi)
■ 1968 With the split and independence of the Nagasaki branch office Nagano Hiroshi assumed the post of the founding president of Kowa Corporation. ¥1,000,000 in capital.
■ 1969 The cutting tool repair and maintenance division started.
■ 1970 Increase of capital to ¥2,000,000
■ 1971 Increase of capital to ¥4,000,000
■ 1972 Increase of capital to ¥10,000,000
■ 1973 Increase of capital to ¥16,000,000
■ 1977 Established the factory in Ogimachi, Nagasaki city. Start operations of the air-conditioned cutting tool repair and maintenance factory.
■ 1982 Fax (Mitsubishi electric MELFA) introduced.
■ 1984 Office computers (IBM 5550) installed to computerize paperwork.
■ 1989 Nagasaki Ogimachi factory extension and relocation of the headquarters.
■ 1990 We received a fully commissioned custom order for tool repair and maintenance from Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd. Nagasaki Shipyards and established a second factory (Side Entry Cutter Repair Factory).
■ 1991 ¥24,000,000 increase in capital. Split off the factory division and established the limited company Koken (¥3,000,000) in a corporate spin-off with Nagano Michihiko assuming the post of founding president.
■ 1992 The first factory was set up a rotary stocker dedicated to tools.The second factory was added and hob grinding started.
■ 1993 Nagano Michihiko assumed the post of second president and Nagano Hiroshi the post of founding president.
■ 1995 The founding president Nagano Hiroshi assumes the role of adviser.
■ 1997 The main factory was extended and the second factory was integrated. The rotary stocker as well as a precision universal projector were added. We distributed note computers and set up LAN throughout the company.
■ 1999 We set up a trading center and put the executive department on the third floor. The former site of the old logistics warehouse was turned into a parking lot.
■ 2000 We acquired a domain and set up a homepage.
■ 2001 We installed a router and transitioned to using an intranet.
■ 2003 We installed FTTH (B FLET’S 100Mbps).
■ 2011 Acquired certification for ISO9001 2008.
■ 2017 The Third president Nagano Chikara and the second president Nagano Michihiko assumed their posts.
Going forward it is our intention, working hand in hand with our employees, to strive to assist our customers in increasing productivity and technological development as well as be ready to respond quickly to their needs with business initiatives and be a company that contributes to society.

Management philosophy

Management philosophy

With the power of steal, we can expect unlimited development.

Corporate vision

Kowa Corporation through logistical support to industry sites will contribute to the development of the world’s civilization.

management policies

  • ・We strive to find accord with our shareholders and maintain harmony with our employees and their families.
  • ・We prize politeness and adept courteous behavior.
  • ・As a multivendor we seek after the best rapid solutions.


Introduction of the qualifications our employees hold.

rank/ level Qualification name Number of employees with qualifications
Level 2 cutting tool grinding technicians
Level 2 mechanical plant drafting technicians
Level 1 cutting tool grinding technicians
Level 2 monorail engineer
Administrative officer qualification
Welding management technician
Hygiene manager

Company Calendar


For questions or consultations for machine tool logistics management please don't hesitate to contact Kowa corporation.
