Employment information

Job Introductions

general affairs

Responsible for sales assistant and accounting work and general affairs in the office.

sales position

Responsible for main user route sales. Suppliers and proposition techniques are entrusted to each salesperson as appropriate.

design position

Responsible for developing labor saving machines and designing various jigs and tools.

technical position

Responsible for cutting tool repair and maintenance work at our factory. It takes time to acquire skills, but in the future industrialization will continue to be challenging work.

Staff Introductions

sales position

Mr. Jin Nagano

(sales division)

I’m sure if we are meeting the demands of 100% of our clients, but as far as our products are concerned I have complete confidence in our ability to provide satisfying quality and systems. As a salesperson I am always contemplating dedicating myself without fail to providing quality that exceeds expectations and thinking three steps ahead of the clients needs and wants. I am grateful to have longstanding clients on route sales, but continue to build relationships of trust and appreciate how rewarding the work is. I was told by more senior coworker that “sales is fellowship”, and as I became more experienced I realized that that was the truth. For this reason I do not shirk self-improvement and aim to be a trustworthy salesperson.
■ To those looking for a company operating in Nagasaki.
It takes time to become fully qualified, but we are a company with high team awareness and a familial atmosphere. As a member of our team together we will contribute to key industries in Nagasaki.

design position

Mr. Ono

(Design, 5 years with Kowa)

I graduated from a high school in my hometown and joined the design division as a recent graduate five years ago. I use CAD daily to design everything from single bolts to special tools. Of course I can use CAD now, but when I joined the company I was taught by my senior coworkers and became determined to commit what I learned to memory. While studying on my own as well I did my best to avoid inconveniencing my coworkers and finally after two years I was able to begin working on my own. As far as design is concerned with repetition I can improve my skills, but meetings with clients are difficult so I’m still in training. Much of my work is designing special machines, how they’ll be used, how to design them so that they’re easy to use and the difficulty of discerning what a client doesn’t understand about the plans, but I think it’s a good place to showcase my skills. I still haven’t attained full confidence in myself so I continue to learn by observing my senior coworkers. It’s not just producing the things we design, I was also taught that it’s important to understand what kind of location those products will be used and how much they will be appreciated. Depending on the situation, I make my way to the location to be used and take into account the operational details of the factory and the size of the location to augment my mental image. There are many difficult orders where I wonder how I can make a satisfactory product, but I feel that those kinds of orders are rewarding.
■ To those looking for a company operating in Nagasaki.
The things we create may be small, but to our clients they are very important. Making indispensable things from scratch is very rewarding work. I would like to tell the newcomers of my experiences from when I was a newcomer and hope they can make use of them.

technical position

Mr. Matsuo

(Grinding Division, 10 years with Kowa)

I graduated from an ordinary high school in my hometown and was assigned to my current division. When I first joined the company I didn’t know anything, I had to start by memorizing the names of the various tools. (bitter smile) Little by little my knowledge grew through the careful instruction from senior coworkers and after two years I was finally able to get my bearings. Because those two years were so demanding of my time and energy they seemed to just fly by. My current job is grinding tools and overhauling equipment. At times when we received requests for grinding of tools used exclusively in harsh environments, they were always tools that (did surprisingly well to make it this far). Grinding work is very serious work because we are working with only that kind of tough tools. It’s not just grinding and repair/ maintenance, It’s also thinking about and considering the situations and the environments the people using these tools are working in. I work hard to not compromise on quality so that clients will say with satisfaction, “Now that’s Kowa grinding!”
■ To those looking for a company operating in Nagasaki.
I’m in charge of the Grinding Division which is in the background, but it’s powerful section. Our division isn’t flashy, but if our work doesn’t progress then many other people can’t do their work. Once you become fully qualified the feeling of job satisfaction is quite different, those who like working with their hands why don’t you come and work with us?

Presidents Comments

Come, People of Kowa! Our company seeks talented people.

The talented people we are seeking are at first honest people who listen to other’s opinions. Listen to others, abide by what has been decided, keep promises, be on time, etc. and whether you can foster the important things in relationships with others are also characteristics we are looking for. Qualifications and skills are more important than one’s education history. Building trust with clients is of the utmost importance, but having relationships of trust with the people you work with is also very important. We have a familial atmosphere at our company and it’s important that you always feel compassion for other people around you. This policy is not unique to just our company, but all new hires start with apprenticeship work. It’ll take some time until a new hire can be entrusted with working on their own, but a large amount of honest work makes a professional. On top of those things, taking care of your health is also part of your job. On days off properly rest and we want you to make use of your paid holidays. Time with family and your private life are also important. It’s important to have work/ life separation and listen carefully to the comments of other employees and continue to substantially enhance the work environment. Through a job with Kowa Let’s work together to contribute to the region and society.

Chikara Nagano

Employment Achievement School

Universities/ colleges

  • Ehime Women’s Junior College
  • Kurume Technical College
  • Tokai University
  • Nagasaki Foreign Language Junior College
  • University of Kitakyushu
  • Kumamoto University
  • Tohwa University
  • Nihon University
  • Gifu University
  • Teikyo University
  • Nagasaki University
  • Fukuoka University

high school

  • Aichi Kariya Technical High School
  • Souseikan High School
  • Nagasaki North High School
  • Nagasaki Advanced Technical High School
  • Nagasaki Girl’s Commercial High School
  • Nagasaki East High School
  • Saitama Ogano High School
  • Nagasaki Omura Technical High School
  • Nagasaki Keiho High School
  • Nagasaki Goto South High School
  • Nagasaki Commercial High School
  • Nagasaki Meisei High School
  • Shutoku High School
  • Nagasaki Kakuyo High School
  • Nagasaki Technical High School
  • Nagasaki Girl’s High School
  • Nagasaki West High School

Company functions

Company events

1980年沖縄1980 1985年四国1985 1990年韓国・済州島1990 1991年北陸1991
1992年グアム1992 1993年北海道1993 1995年宮崎1995 1997年ハワイ1997
1998年韓国・釜山1998 2006年ハワイ2006 2007年飛鳥2007 2008年台湾2008
2006年忘年会2006 End-of-year party 2007年花見会2007 Cherry blossom viewing picnic 2007年暑気払い会2007 Blowing off steam party 2007年忘年会2007 End-of-year party
2008年花見会2008 Cherry blossom viewing picnic 2008年暑気払い会2008 Blowing off steam party 2008年忘年会2008 End-of-year party 2009年花見会2009 Cherry blossom viewing picnic
2009年還暦を祝う会2009 60th birthday celebrations 2009年暑気払い会2009 Blowing off steam party 2009年忘年会2009 End-of-year party 2010年花見会2010 Cherry blossom viewing picnic
2010年暑気払い会2010 Blowing off steam party 2011年花見会2011 Cherry blossom viewing picnic 2012還暦祝い2012 60th birthday celebrations 新年会・米寿お祝い2013 Welcome the New Year party
汗流し会2013 Sweat-it-off party 忘年会2013 End-of-year party 花見会2014 Cherry blossom viewing picnic event-02_image_No21.jpg2016 End-of-year party

For questions or consultations for machine tool logistics management please don't hesitate to contact Kowa corporation.
